What is plagiarism? Plagiarism is the act of taking another person's written content and publishing them as yours. It is known as a bad practice in terms of digital marketing. plagiarism happens when you:
Search engines don't know what to do when they find the same material on more than one website. Google, or any other search engine, doesn't know which version is the original and duplicate. They don't know which website to trust and which have unique content if the published content is not optimized for search engines and a canonical tag is not used for the blog to claim ownership.
As a user, it is possible for you to get confused and not be able to find an authoritative resource for the content you are planning to publish. Plagiarised content also affects your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices, as it lowers the page rankings, resulting in a loss in website traffic.
Plagiarism is a terrible practice. It isn't legal advice, but stolen content is intellectual property infringement. If your website doesn't have fresh and unique content, it will lose visitors.
If your website has duplicate or plagiarized content, your website could be guilty from Google's perspective. However, there are many online tools to check duplicate content, such as plagiarism checker, Dupli checker, etc. where you can check and improve your content.
Plagiarism is illegal, unethical, and bad for business. Buying into a low-priced template or DIY – website often means buying into plagiarised content issues, and the penalty is the reverse of good SEO; your website listing vanishes from view.
What is a plagiarism checker?
A plagiarism checker is a tool, which is used to check plagiarised content in a document. A useful plagiarism checker can quickly check your content for similarities in the text with other content published online to check whether the content is unique and not copied. Plagiarism is most prevalent in academia and online publishing.
If you are a writer, no matter what you write to publish it on the internet, it can be an essay, article, etc. You can surely make use of a plagiarism checker. If you are a blog owner or web entrepreneur who hires freelance writers to create content, then a plagiarism tool will help your work.
As long as you work with what is supposed to be "original" written content, you need a plagiarism checker always to verify your content's originality and uniqueness.
If you believe that your written content is 100% unique and you do not need any tool to check it, then think again. Using plagiarism checker tools is about understanding that we are now living in an "information overload" world. According to a study, more than 5 million blog posts are published daily on the internet. Social media is allowing billions of people to post unique content every day.
Using a free plagiarism tool is the best way to identify plagiarism in your content against all these billions of content pieces roving around the internet.
Using a plagiarism checker by Small SEO Tools, you can check to ensure your content is 100% unique and not plagiarized quickly. You need to paste your content into the tool and click on the "Check Plagiarism" button. You can run content from your computer in file extensions like DOCX, DOC, and TXT.
You can check up to 1000 words in each check, and it will run through your content line by line to check any duplicate content. The same sentences and the total percentage are pointed out to change it and write again correctly. Also, you don't need to worry about the privacy of your data. Small SEO Tools do not view, store, or distribute your content.
When you write an article or any type of content, you build upon others' work and use various sources to get information. To avoid plagiarism, you need to incorporate these sources into your text correctly.
Follow the below steps to avoid plagiarism:
When researching for the information to write articles, make sure to record the source of each piece of information. You can easily avoid this trap by keeping your notes organized and organizing a list of citations as you go.
Keep track of every source you consult – that includes websites, magazine articles, videos, etc.
Quoting means copying a content text word-for-word. The copied text must be introduced in your words, inserted in quotation marks, and correctly credited to the original author.
Whereas, Paraphrasing means using your words to explain something from a source. It allows you to give only the most essential information from a passage.
Whenever you quote or paraphrase, you must include an in-text citation that identifies the original author. It consists of the publication year and a page number.
Each in-text citation must match a full reference in the reference list. There are many citation styles, and each one has its own rules for citing. Some common citations include APA, MLA, and Chicago Style. Always remember to apply one type consistently throughout the text.
It is a must to use a free plagiarism checker from Small SEO Tools to check plagiarism in your content. It allows you to identify any parts where you have forgotten a citation, left out quotation marks, or included a paraphrase that's too close to the original text. Then you can follow the steps mentioned above to modify or change any instances of potential plagiarism.
If you are a writer or entrepreneur who hires freelance writers, then using a plagiarism check should be your top priority. On the other hand, your website boasts of quality content; you can bank on it getting copied back to back, which is useful if you agree to it and if they give you backlinks and credits for any part of your content used.
At Digi-Markets, our writers write content and use plagiarism checker tools regularly to identify plagiarism in the content. Talk to our experts today, and get our best services!
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